Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings !

This is really a very special season . It could be called the Season of Lights since two of the holidays have to do with Lights. It is also known as the Holy Season . There is Hanukkah Dec.4-11 , commemorating the revolt of the Maccabess by the lighting of candles every night for a week . On Dec.19th this year, the all holy Muslim celebration of Eid Al Adhud, commemorating Abraham's submission to God by his willingness to sacrifice his son's life on Gods command, is celebrated by sacrificing a sheep. Christmas on the Dec.25 is the celebration of Jesus' birth and is one of the holiest days in Christianity .This followed by the African- American holiday imported from Africa, Kwanzaa on the 26th of Dec. This also a holiday filled by light .

Many of the celebrations are marked with family gatherings that include gift exchanges , the lighting of candles , lavish food served with love , music to lift the spirit , prayers , and happiness that naturally follows such a wonder filled time .

I have many things to celebrate this season . They are not on the Earth shaking scale of things when compared to all the miracles that this time of year seems to wittiness , but none the less they are, by my standards, still miracles ! My family and friends are doing well . Many of my prayers have been answers this past month or two . My daughters are either having babies, or getting married. My son and his growing family are doing well . My husband continues to be in good health . These are things that money just can't buy . I give thanks for these blessings .

I am reflecting on this seasons significance to all of us . What it brings to our lives and how to incorporate this into my daily life all year long . The riches we receive that are sometimes overlooked because they become mundane in our everyday life . What a wondrous time of year we celebrate in our many different ways. The fellowship of Man and Spirit . A holy time filled with Light . So , Seasons Greetings to all of you from me . Have a Holy , wonder filled , holiday season that brings the light of love in to your life .


  1. Merry Christmas Madame - sorry I cannot do the Season's Greetings thing - never been known for being politically correct - Eid Mubarak as well. It is great to hear that your family has been blessed with good health - definitely the best blessing you could possibly have. My son and 'daughter' arrive bright and early Wednesday morning - 1:50 a.m. - and I will be getting them from the airport on my own as Mr. Man has opted not to be around - he is still in Libya - waiting for trucks - and we all know who his God is - it is money - what a shame - he misses out on so much. When I was raising Miles on my own - I took menial, dead end jobs so that I would have time for my son - after all I decided to have him - so it was only fair that I be there. I am so looking forward to spending time with him and my new daughter while they are here.

    Again Eid Mubarak and Merry Christmas.

    Love ya

  2. Am so glade Miles and Co. made the trip ! Enjoy !! Merry Christmas !!!!

  3. Krekma , Eid Mubarak to you and yours this Season of Lights !!! Sounds as if you and your family are so blessed by Allah .May you have continued blessings into the New Year !!!


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