Thursday, January 24, 2008

Libya Ordered To Pay $6 Bln.

In a new court case against Libya ,on Tuesday, January 14, a US federal judge ordered that Libya and six Libyan officials pay what will likely be more than US$6 billion in damages for the 1989 bombing of UTA Flight 722 over Niger .

This statement by the lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case makes one wonder ... is this a case of indirect black mail ? Libya is stated to be the one at fault here not American corporations .
"The BBC reports that lawyers are confident that the money will be paid to the plaintiffs, saying that, if necessary, they will obtain court orders to seize assets from American companies Libya is currently doing business with."
I wonder , does this constitute an act of international terrorism on their part , threating economic black mail ?? And how will those American companies feel having thier assets seized ?

What do you think ?It will be interesting to see how this plays out in a American court , potentially against Americans and American investments in Libya . While during " a economic recession" , such a move should have long term ramifications , not just to Libyan citizens , but also to Americans as well . Stay tuned .....

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