Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Rainy Day

We have had a lot of rain these last few weeks , in fact probably more than we had all last year . I am making a
informal opinion here , but today was really something !

This picture shows the storm just starting . The wind blowing , clouds low and heavy in the sky .

This picture was snapped just minutes after the one above .The rain is starting to come down fast .

This picture, taken just seconds after the previous the one, will let you see just how quickly the storm hit us here at The Condo On The Sea Side ! The buildings across the lane from us are barely visible because it is raining so hard . This was a unusually strong storm system , almost like a mini hurricane .

This blurry picture will let you see how the normally placid Med. has been turned into a broiling monster sea . Hours later now , and the rain still continues to pour down outside . As I was taking this picture ,the lighting flashed down right outside the balcony doors , with thunder following fast on it's heels scaring me to death ! I am discussing with Moe about how to build an Ark on the balcony .
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1 comment:

  1. WOW! Some storm. If it keeps raining like that you wil never get out of the apartment. lol


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