Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Talks on Prisoners Release

I hesitated to write on this subject knowing full well I might be opening Pandora's box of very nasty surprises , but I felt I had to comment on Libya's proposed action to release some Islamist rebels from prison . Saif Al Islam Ghaddafi , chairperson for The International Foundation, is currently in negotiations with an Al Quada- affiliated Islamist rebel group to release some of it's members that are in prison .

As a foreigner living here , married to a Libyan , mother to Libyans , grand mother to Libyans , I am frightened to know this may come about . Used to be , being a Muslim was a natural thing here . There was no compulsion in religion to be extreme . I mean everyone is Muslim here . The Christain foreigner's working here , or the occasional Christian married to a Libyan are the exception to the rule , but they are treated with respect and are allowed to worship as they wish . They are not allowed to evangelize though . But more and more on the streets here in Tripoli you will see men with short Arabic style dress , all rumpled , many times not too clean looking even though the clothing most be clean to pray in , short pants , long unkempt breads , menacing glares towards people in general , women singled out for the " special " look . If you try to engage them in a conversation they act as if you are the bane of Righteousness . Sometimes in tow , you will see a woman covered from head to toe in swaths of BLACK material ,with a veil shielding her face from view . This is a relatively new affection one didn't see here in Libya before maybe the mid 1990's . Women dressed however they felt like either traditionally or "western" , the same for men .They still do , don't get me wrong . But this growing group is pushing this form of dress on others , onto people that don't necessarily agree with them . Much like the Taila-bad in Afghanistan did with the baraka .

This is alarming ... WHY ? Because these people ( here I loosely use this term ) are generally the NEW MUSLIM RIGHT and they , I have noticed when ever I have occasion to engage them in conversation, are the Extremist that want radical change in the Muslim world , if not the entire world . They are NOT tolerant of other views , cultures , or religions .They think like many other closed minded groups through out history , that if you are not with them , then you are their enemy .

Where ever they have the power ( Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iran etc....) then chaos follows in government and civilian life , with the collapse of the economy . Women and children seem to pay the price with loss of simple freedoms such as education and for some reason , medical care . I find the frequency of the NEW MUSLIMS RIGHT converts down right scary . They are so black and white in their dealings and thoughts with the world ,no grey anywhere . No give or take with them . I am not alone in this feeling. This isn't just a foreigners feeling either . I hear Libyans expressing their concern also .They are too cautious to vocalize loudly their fears due to their concern over this groups growing power in the society . This is a potential future problem taking root now .Hopefully it can be worked out without jeopardizing religious freedoms we have now .


  1. Well I'm sure that as long as we have tolerant people like you who are aware of these people and who encourage their imprisonment and torture and the rape of their wives and mothers and demolition of their homes like the Libyan Government has been doing since the mid 1980's ( not mid 1990's ) we have nothing to fear .... any man with a beard will have it burned away from his face and those who pray will be arrested .... thats tolerance right ? Just to appease western countries who fear different forms of Islam .... i have a thought though do you think that if they weren't initially treated the way they were by their government that their reaction might have been different ?

  2. Dear Anon. ,

    Yes it easy for you to feel all righteous and indignant as I am pretty sure that you do not live here in Libya, or anywhere that these EXTREMIST are in control , because if you did you would not be writing in the 1st place, your right to that freedom would be long gone .

    I am pretty you sure you have never been spit upon by any of these righteous Brothers, nor had any insults hurled toward you or your daughters just because they refuse to go blindly like sheep into the fold , because I am also sure you know that any independent thought is strictly forbidden by such extremist . Notice I said EXTREMIST , not law abiding Muslims . And No I do not participate in torture nor do I wish torture on anyone whether Extreme or otherwise . Thank you so much for sharing your point of view . Signed , Intolerant of Blind Stupidity


    We have them in USA but to me they represent like a cult. I do believe in freedom. They do have the right to dress the way they want, believe in religion in their own way.

    Lets be fair many Christians can not tolerate other sects, such as Mormons, Adventists, and etc....

    Each country has its own cults, extremists and strange religions. You worry too much as if they are going to take over the country.
    Libya is trying to catch up with Dubai after they fell asleep for 40 years.

    Do not stress yourself, you have more things to worry about than those kind of people.


  4. It's amazing to me to see how the extremists of all religions can alter perceptions for everyone. Even here in the States with the so-called Christians we have them holding demonstrations at military bases because the war in Iraq is caused by the number of gay people in the world!!!!

    I may not be knowledgeable of all the writings for Christianity, Catholicism, Muslim, or Judaism beliefs, but I've never believed any of them to teach selfishness and ignorance....

    I totally understand your concerns, and have the same ones even here in the so-called "Free World", maybe we need to buy an island somewhere and start over?? :)

  5. ahhhhhh...Salafia has hit Libya--what a shame--they are growing in leaps and bounds in Egypt I am sad to say! And as far as I am concerned, having lived and worked closely with them--they are a cult. I never met a normal one among them. They do a huge diservice to Islam.


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