Monday, February 25, 2008

Pink Floyd , Babies , And Nowhere To Go

Last week was one of those weeks when so much was panned and nothing got done . Don't you just hate it when that happens ?Like running in place , never got that , why run if you aren't going somewhere in the process .

A friend and I have planned a trip to the mountains for a year. I was charged , ready to go , made all kinds of arrangements for the trip . Juggled around Moe's schedule to make sure he was ok , only to find out at the 12th hour it was no go . I was disappointed to say the least but , you know , stuff happens so , next time .

I needed to go grocery shopping , which at the best of times isn't a while lot of fun here . For one thing you can't count on a consistent supply of consumer goods . That means one time you go shopping and you can find ... oh , maybe peanut butter , but not syrup .Then the next time there aren't any of those items but something else that you have waited for a long time . Currently on my list is Worcestershire sauce . It was a staple all last year and now I can't find it anywhere , sigh ! So , this too is turning out not to be such smooth sailing task to accomplish, as simple as it should be , it hasn't been . I still haven't made it to those shopping aisles , yet more delays .

My grandson was quite ill this last week, also . Hopefully he will be better soon . Nothing too serious but with little ones even small things can get out of hand if not closely monitored . So that sorta sums up my week ; stop and start , red light , green light, hurry up to go no where .

We did get some wonderful news this week . My youngest daughter went for her 5th month maternity check up to see her baby's sex by a ultra sound . She is having a lovely little girl !!! Can't tell you how thrilled we were to learn all is well with her and the baby .

On a bright note ..... Music Lover sent a comment to my post " A Special Present" ... Pink Floyd's song " Coming Back To Life " . You can listen to it here . I did . I hadn't heard this before and as usual Pink Floyd "speaks " to my heart . Love them !!!! I went to YouTube and listened to a few of my favorite Pink Floyd songs and watched their videos .Here is one of my all time favorites " Comfortably Numb". "Sorrow" is a haunting tune . Well , lets just face it , there will never be anything like Pink Floyd's music ever again . The music resonates through you as it connects to your soul . Pink Floyd has pulled me through some pretty bad times in the past . Floyd RULES !

1 comment:


    Hope this solves your problem


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