Sunday, February 17, 2008

What Does Your Car Say ?

I just read this hilarious article in Forbes magazine describing what signals your car sends out to others . I thought the whole time I was reading it what kind of mixed messages my car must send out to all that share the road with me .

I have a grey /silver Mitsubishi 4 door sedan .The side mirrors have been smashed out by persons unknown . Then there are dents , scratches , gouges ,bashes , and last but not least .... the whole right side that has been caved in by a man in a hurry . Sat . dishes have made artistic dashes across my hood as they tumbled down from the tops of the surrounding Condo's in storms past .I have a large dent in the rear bumper due to a taxi driver not looking where he was driving ... right up my , well I guess I can't really say where he was going but you get my meaning huh ? The left back fender has a scrape that was a gift from someones son that was upset when I didn't move out of his way fast enough for him . I got whip lash from that one . A man drinking his morning coffee proceeded to plow right into my front fender as he stared right into my eyes . I won't forget him anytime soon , tee hee !

I have to drive like man here in Libya , sorta like Texas Hold Um poker , no holds barred !Once , a man was trying to squeeze me into a wall so he could pass me on a one lane alley. I had to ask him , " Honey , do you think that is a wise decision ? I mean , look at my car . Do you think I am afraid of a little ole wall ?" His eyes twitched . I knew he would give way .

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