Tuesday, March 4, 2008

50 Years In 3 Minutes

I was sent this email with the video attached . Thought you might like to watch it too .

This is excellent and well worth passing along!
50 years of images in 3 minutes .. just awesome .. enjoy

Someone went to a lot of trouble to put this video together.
It is well worth the time for a couple minutes of enjoyment.

It takes a few seconds or so to load but very entertaining.
This is great.... Turn up volume, sit back and enjoy a review of 50 years of history in less than 3 minutes!
Thanks to Billy Joel and someone from the University of Chicago with too much time on Google!

Just click on the link below. When the song starts it helps to click on " Lyrics " in the lower right. Use the full screen option on the upper left if the images are too big or too small.



  1. Polish History in 10 minutes

    Habib Koité - Batoumambé

    The video clip is good to teach others about US history and culture


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