Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Camels !

I love camels ! Here in Libya you will see them in the most unlikely places , at the most unlikely times . This camel I found today as I was riding around . He was in a field with some sheep and a horse companion . I am guessing the owner was fattening him up for a wedding feast . He will of course be the main attraction . They say camel tastes like beef and has little or no fat , so it is almost cholesterol free . Sad to say it is the babies that seem to be the tastiest . Or so they say .

I found this picture on the web once and it made me think of the camels that are wild in the desert . They stay in groups and sleep on the high ways at night because it is warm . Of course that makes night driving all the more fun huh ? LOL ! Especially when there are no lights out there !

I think I got this next picture from Khadijateri's blog once . You can see camels all the time going for rides in trucks in the city or in the country . They just sit in the back of the trucks looking so cool and totally unconcerned , like of course it is absolutely NORMAL for a camel to be going for a little ride ! But sad to say here again , it isn't as innocent as it may seem . They are usually on the way to the camel market to be sold for meat .

This camel looks like he was parked . Can you imagine seeing this in America or England ? LOL ! Want to fight with him over a parking space ? Camels have a pretty good disposition ... more or less , but woe to the person that makes them mad ! They have a great memory and will NEVER forget the one who mistreated them , or forgive .

It is so amazing how TALL they are too .We were once caught in the middle of a camel herd on the way to market . They surrounded the car . It was a little scary since they towered over the car like giants . We were like ants to them . They are awesome creatures with unbelievable capabilities and patients . Something about them that commands your respect .

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  1. "They say camel tastes like beef and has little or no fat "

    They taste better than beef actually; but only the young ones. The babies that are eaten are more than 6 months old and they are called Ghaood ( 3'a3ood ); and they are tasty :P.

    "Of course that makes night driving all the more fun huh ? LOL !"

    Yeah , I've run into them more than once at night and its really funny how they sleep on the road and they don't move at all no matter what you do; you actually have to drive around them.

  2. I agree that camel's are tasty more than beef.

    if you'd like more photoes of camels, there is a post on Libyano blog :

  3. I agree that camel's are tasty more than beef.

    if you'd like more photoes of camels, there is a post on Libyano blog :

  4. I agree that camel's are tasty more than beef.

    if you'd like more photoes of camels, there is a post on Libyano blog :


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