Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Bye George

I have been a big fan of George Carlin for years . He died this past week end . A great loss for the world as he was always provocative and promoted food for thought .

Here are several of his retinues that I like . Enjoy ! The below videos contain adult content , adult language . Those under the age of 21 should not listen to these .


  1. Salam On the Edge,

    Goodness what a said that. Between George and Harvey Korman it's really sad.

    I think my all time favorite Carlin skit is on Nursery Rhymnes. Oh my goodness that one still cracks me up if I think about it.

  2. Sad indeed , I remember him back in the mid 70' of the best commedians ever....

    May God rest his soul....



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