Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Longest Day

Today is the summer solstice , the longest day of the entire year .Here is a picture of the sun rise over Stonehenge in England .

In ancient times this day and this night were thought to hold magical powers .

Sacred ceremonies were held in special places like Stonehenge and Glastonbury in temples made of free standing stones .

There have been many things written about about this special time all through the ages . One of the more famous is William Shakespeare's " A Midsummers Night Dream".

Whatever you do today , I hope it is magical for you .

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  1. Salam On the Edge,
    Amira and I went to a "Goddess Gathering" last night for the summer solactice which consisted of a bunch of girls hanging out at a camp site talking, laughing and sharing good food. It was a fun experience.

  2. That is sssooooo neato , neato ! Wish I had been there too !What a perfect mother/ daughter thing to do together !

  3. Stonehenge has a lot of significance here and the ritual of the longest day is well known ... i nam thinking of going there sometime soon to check out the place

    Keep up the good postst :)

    Fe Aman Allah


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