Monday, June 2, 2008

Please Help

I personally know this man I am writing about .His name is Tommy . He worked here in Libya for a while .He is back in the USA now working , helping his family . He is a good honest man that is hard working , generous to a fault,and kind. His father has cancer , really , and the family needs help with the medical bills , since they are in the USA ;we all know how expensive it is there to get sick .Please go to his blog and read how you can help them out .Don't forget that God/ Allah hears all prayers too. Pray for his father's healing .Thank you so much for any help you can extend toward the family .


  1. Thank you very much for your help and prayers. God bless you.
    Tommy and Becky Jordan

  2. Thank you very much for your help and prayers. God Bless you.
    Tommy and Becky Jordan

  3. Anything to help a friend in need .God bless !


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