Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Food For Thought

Like some foods , this food for thought might give you indigestion if you are allergic to the truth .This will link you to Lawrence Of Cyberia
who writes mainly on the Palestinian/ Israeli on going conflict . This particular blog post concerns the death of the Palestinian who last week drove a bulldozer into several cars and a bus or two , killing some Israelis .This was brought to my attention through PH
's blog quoting Lawrence's post .Thanks to PH !

Now , I am pretty sure that this new food will not cause your allergies to bother you at all . There is a new blog by Serena named
Kaleidoscope .It is devoted to poetry ... for now , but I have it on very good authority that in the future it might also feature art as well . Taste this blog and see how good it is !!! This poem is all about our world famous Sheila!!!

There is another new blogger in Libya called
My Being Days written by Caught In The Middle that I think will not cause too much allergic reaction in your diet .LOL ! She is a 32 year old that according to her profile says : "I'm a 32 year old living in Libya. I created this space to talk, talk about my life, my loves, my struggles and my rocky road to heaven. I hope you enjoy." I hope you do too !

Happy reading !

1 comment:

  1. I'm touched! Thank you on the edge!
    By the way, I happen to know that you have something very special to celebrate tomorrow, so I'm going to post a poem dedicated to you!


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