Thursday, July 10, 2008

She's Here !

Gail made her grand entrance into this world yesterday July 9, 2008 . She came in at eight pounds exactly and twenty inches long . We are ecstatic over our first grand daughter !!! Mother and daughter are both doing well .


  1. Mabrook & Congratulation for you and the mother and may she be a wonderful person

    Fe Aman Allah

  2. MABROOOK! Welcome Gail--may Allah bless and protect you and your family always.

  3. She's so precious! I'm dying to know what color her eyes are! I hope she brings happiness into your life on a daily basis!

  4. Thank you all for the Mabrooks !!! Talked to our son in law .He said that Gail and her mommy are both doing well.That Gail already was voicing her strong opinions on any given subject ! LOL !

  5. mabroook 4 new baby she looks cute `e open arms may allah bless her ....
    & tomorrow wll growing up & coming 2 open her blog ...maybe evrything possible in ths life..


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