Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Mubarak !

Blessings To All This Eid !

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  1. Eid Mubarik, May Allah accept our fasting and forgive our sins

    I Wish you the happiest of Eid's and may allah bless you and your family

    Fe Aman Allah

  2. Eid Mubarak!, and may you and your family be blessed with peace on Eid and always!

  3. Happy Ieed to you and dad. Love you both.

  4. Wishing you and Mohamed a very happy Eid!

  5. كل عيد وانتو بخير يارب وكل عيد ربي ان شاء الله يعم الفرحة بيوتنا

  6. happy eid for u and all your family

  7. eid mubark kol 3am o enta o moe b 5er ...
    salam ...

  8. Woooooooooooohoooooooooooooo Ramadan is over. Are you doing a Happy Eid dance? Eid Mubarak to you and Moe. May you always be blessed.

  9. Asalom Alai Kom Ukhti,

    I am so sorry my Eid greetings are so Late.

    But here it goes

    I hope you had an EID SAID

    Saw your comment just now....have not checked all month...Eid here is the day after Libya...And I got married on Eid, Alhomdolelah...so it was double celebrations.

    (well it was our Islamic wedding have to wait a few months for the civil one.)

    Unfortuntley my husband andd I are seperated untill then.......

    But en sha Allah, after I get my cert I will be straight to London to get Permission to enter Libya, and then straight on a flight to Tripoli en sha Allah.

    It should be febuary /April ...en sha Allah.

    JazakAllah for your kind words,

    Ma Slaoma


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