Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Eid News

Today is the last day of the Eid . It has been a very nice Eid . Our daughters in America called us twice each . Our son , his wife and his son came and spent the first day with us . We had several family members stop by as well that day . What's nice about the Eid for us , is that we never know who will come by for a visit . One year it might be this person and the next year they may not come but some one else will . Always interesting to see who drops in to say hello !

In the middle of of the night of the first day I woke up with a migraine and stomach ache more or less wishing I was dead . I couldn't sleep from the pain and had no one to drive me to the hospital . I tried this and I tried that but nothing seemed to help make things better . I think I might have taken every drug known to man at one point just trying to stay alive.I haven't been sick like that in several years .

Luckily Moe was going to spend the second day with his sisters . I spent that day in bed trying to recover from the night before . Still not feeling well I took knock out drugs hoping to sleep whatever it was I had off . I faintly remember hearing the door a couple of times but couldn't move to answer it .I woke up around six in the evening feeling like I might live ... maybe .

I was sitting down trying to watch TV when I heard a knock on the door . It was a good friend of the family come to say Mabruk for the Eid . While he was here a niece drop by as well . It was her first Ramadan and Eid here in Libya , since she recently moved here from England with her family .I had to laugh at her as I told her she should go visit one of the older uncles who was quite ill . She looked at me and said this Eid business is so complicated ! In England we just have to visit his mom and then my mom . That's it , where as here it is all these uncles , aunts , cousins and friends of the family . No wonder they have to have three whole days to do this ! LOL !

Today I woke up feeling like I would survive whatever this is I have , but it is still pretty iffy even at this point .You know I am ill when I don't want to eat ! I have containers of sweets and a fridge full of soft drinks . I am thinking of giving it all to the neighborhood kids . Moe and I don't need all that junk .

What was so cool , well from my point of view , is that it rained here for several hours the night before the first day . I mean it rained . It was so great to see that rain tumbling down .Then afterwards the temperature drop several degrees and things were nice most of that day . It was a lovely unexpected surprise and a wonderful gift . So that's how our Eid was spent .

I had hoped to go visit some of my friends I didn't get to see during Ramadan these last few days of Eid but haven't been well enough to do so . This is a long week end so maybe by tomorrow I will be well enough to go out before everyone gets back into their pre- Ramadan schedules again .

I think one reason people love Ramadan so much here in Libya is that we live at a even slower pace than during normal times .Yes , there is the pressure on women here to be gourmets chefs along with all the other things we have on our plates daily , but there is also the family closeness that comes with Ramadan and especially the Eid that we don't have in our everyday lives . It is hard on the men as well during Ramadan , no cigarette's or coffee . But that is all off set by the family times spent together . People make time for friends and family during Ramadan , where as they let the pace of life
over take them in non Ramadan or Eid times . I think there in lies the happiness factor of Ramadan and the Eid .

I really hope all of you had a lovely Eid this year .Take care , The Edge


  1. Salamat Salamat, I am very sorry to hear you were ill and may you get better soon insha allah and I agree "Ramadan" is very nice period in Libya as people visit each other (more often than usual)and there is there is something special knowing that "everyone" is experiancing the same thing i.e. fasting and here in the uk we dont get that

    Lets hope I get back to Libya permanently soon

    Fe Aman Allah

  2. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope you are better soon. I missed seeing you and Eid as well. Love ya.

  3. happy eid to u and all ur faimly and alf labas alik ..
    yes all of us will miss ramadan this wonderful month but theres still chance 4 fasting 6 days in shoual ..and may allah accept 4m u and all musilems nice to see ur blog its my first time

  4. oh oh oh 1000 la bas 3lek wish u feel better now ....

    family closeness that comes with Ramadan and especially the Eid

    u focus on important point why just in ramadan & eid !!! why why ...

    wish u enjoy in eid


  5. Thanks to all 4 the well wishes !!! Am doing better but looks like poor Moe might be getting it too . It's going around . Hope all of you are able to stay away from this nasty virus !

  6. Sorry to hear you where not well. Hope your feeling much better now.
    Happy Eid my inspiration.
    Take care


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