Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby's 1st Christmas

Sophia is just 3 weeks old here and already talking a blue streak ! Waving to all her fans out there in Bloggerville as she awaits Santa's arrival !

Gail at 5 months is all ready for her visit from Santa with a great big smile .


  1. I think your blog is really interesting ... especially this post :)

  2. how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet little girls! mashallah bless them...hi sophia...hi gail...big kiss from meme!!

  3. Megat , Thanks for the compliment !!!

    Meme , little girls are really worth their weight in gold any day of the week as far as I am concerned ! But I do love that little Harouni too !!! LOL !

  4. woooooooow she soooo cute baby Allah bless her
    really mashallah

  5. oh how s cute ..mashallah mashallah ...
    bt sorry girls my hero s haroun we s pic of haron !!! thts unfair wallahy ...
    god bless all ...


  6. oh hows cute ..mashallah ,ashallah ...
    bt sorry girls wheres my hero " haroun " thts unfair wallahy on da edge ...
    god bless all ...


  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww absolutely adorable. Just makes you want to reach right out and squeeze them with loveable hugs.


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