Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mauritania Here I Come !

Big is beautiful !!!!

Way back in Nov. or sometime in Dec. , 2008 we saw a Oprah show on T.V. that talked about beauty secrets and customs around the world .This show mentioned that in Mauritania big WAS beautiful and adored . The fatter you were the better . You couldn't be too fat as a matter of fact . You could be fat , divorced , one eyed and STILL get married there , lol . Just as long as you were FAT !

I looked at Moe and told him to pack the bags baby , we were moving to the Motherland ! I was jumping up and down singing Mauritania here we come ! He said but you are already married , to me by the way , in case you forgot . I said yes, but at least there I would be thought of as wonderfully sexy and he could go around acting all macho and brave protecting me from all the admires I would have ! He just wasn't getting the whole picture I told him .He didn't see it my way of course . We are still in Tripoli........ for the time being .


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I guess it is true "size does matter"....who knew!

  2. Ah , well ... that's what they say , but it isn't true you know , lol !

  3. nice! i guess i will try my luck there if i still single couple of years later!! LOL

  4. Lol you are so funy hahahahaa.....


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