Friday, January 2, 2009

Heaven Weeps

Politics of the Middle East I try to stay out of because there isn't a winner in that conflict , only losers , with civilians caught in the middle . Here are some of the story's I have read today in various places . Draw your own conclusions .

Downing Street has said it is "appalled" at the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip after a third day of Israeli air strikes on the Palestinian enclave.

Smoke rises from explosions following a fresh round of Israeli air-strikes

Smoke rises from explosions following a fresh round of Israeli air-strikes

As the death toll rose above 325 and Israel promised a "war to the bitter end". This report is from Sky News .

Israel destroys Hamas homes, flattens Gaza mosque

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Israel bombed a mosque ...... the seventh day of a blistering offensive in Gaza........ They said the Israelis either warned nearby residents by phone or fired a warning missile to reduce civilian casualties. Israeli planes also dropped leaflets east of Gaza giving a confidential phone number and e-mail address for people to report locations of rocket squads. Residents stepped over the leaflets........... More than 400 Gazans have been killed and some 1,700 have been wounded in the Israeli campaign, Gaza health officials said. ...........explosion killed 20 people, including all four of Rayan's wives and 10 of his children.

Then this photo post by Lawrence Of Cyberia :

"Quite Right, President Weizman",making you ask ourselves where is the basic human rights that Israel is constantly reminding the world community they deserve .I guess they deserve it ,but just not the rest of the world and definitely Not the Palestinians .

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Israeli forces on Monday morning struck key centers in Gaza City, including Islamic University,Witnesses saw fire and smoke at the university, counting six separate air strikes there just after midnight.

Samera Baalusha (34) carries her surviving child Mohamad (15 months) while she waits to see the body of her daughter Jawaher Baalusha (aged 4) during the funeral held for her and four of her sisters who were killed in an Israeli missile strike, on December 29, 2008 in the Jebaliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip.

WallWritings reports in his blog a story by Amira Hass who writes for Ha'aretz, on the carefulness by Israel as to the timing of the bombings in Gaza ..... "Whoever gave the instructions to send 100 of our planes, piloted by the best of our boys, to bomb and strafe enemy targets in Gaza is familiar with the many schools adjacent to those targets - especially police stations. He also knew that at exactly 11:30 A.M. on Saturday, during the surprise assault on the enemy, all the children of the Strip would be in the streets - half just having finished the morning shift at school, the others en route to the afternoon shift. " I think that says a lot huh ?

And this says it all from David :

Israel Presses on With Gaza Attacks, Rejects Truce and Really Couldn't Care Less!

World (tags: 'HUMANRIGHTS!', conflict, crime, death, ethics, middle-east, israel, palestine, politics, society, violence, war, world )

- 2 days ago -
As Israeli armored vehicles and troops were massed along the border for a possible invasion, Israeli warplanes pressed on with strikes, killing 12 Palestinians, including a pair of sisters, 10 and 12, in attacks on Hamas targets. Oooops missed again!

1 comment:

  1. I posted before, so I'm sorry if this comes up twice...

    I am convinced that genocide is on Israel's agenda, the would do well to remember Hitler's aim during WWII



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