Friday, January 2, 2009

No , I Mean Yes , Yes

That man I am married to , you know , Moe ? He drives me crazy !!! Last night we were talking , well I was anyway , he was listening , or was supposed to be listening to me . I talked . I poured out my soul to the man .

He nodded his head in appropriate spots as if agreeing with me , which encouraged me to talk some more . My mistake was talking to him as he watched Most Shocking Video's on T.V. Attention deficit was happening and I was too blond to see the symptoms , lol ! Yes , I did mean BLOND , because HOW stupid was I to think he was listening to begin with ?

After I had finished my piece I asked him did he understand what I meant ? Purely rhetorically , you understand , because OF COURSE he would GET IT ! Right ? Right ! With his eyes still tightly glued to the T.V. , he nodes his head sideways for NO . I yell WHAT ? And then , with out taking his eyes off the T.V. he starts to nod his head up and down as fast as he can to indicate he is so totally in agreement with all I had talked about .

God love a duck ! That man is going to be the death of me yet !


  1. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh honey DO NOT try to talk with a man while he is watching TV!

  2. LOL don't try to talk to a man period unless it's to ask him to help with something because they are definitely problem solvers when the problem is present in a small sentences....LOL

  3. hahahaha--the eternal complaint of women about their men. My hubby and I havent been married long enough yet for him to begin tuning me out--BUT--when I speak to him in my Pittsburgh accent--as opposed to the King's English--I can see the clouds rolling in in his brain and his eyes start to fog over. LOLOLOL--it is soooo funny. So I have to revert to proper English and then he gets it. However the honeymoon *is* almost over--he no longer puts lemon in my soup--alas I must now do it myself. It doesnt take them very long--haha!

  4. Now this is something that really iritates me in men...urrrrrggghhhh

  5. Lol that is so husband was so not listening to me when I was telling him about my day (at his request may I add) so I was jabbering on......and realised... I told him ''I went to the moon and it was really sunny'' his reply ''really, thats good''..... totally not listening....even when I caught hm LOL...MEN !!!!!! At least pretend...hehehehehe


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