Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jokes Of The Day

1. How do you catch a unique rabbit ?
Unique up on it !!!! LOL !

2. How do you catch a tame rabbit ?

Tame way .Duh !

3. How do crazy people go through the forest ?
They take the psycho path .

4.How do you get Holy Water ?

You boil the Hell out of it !

5. What do fish say when they hit a concert wall ?

6.What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long ?
Polaroid's !

7. What do you cal a boomerang that doesn't work ?
You're gonna love this one ......... A Stick !

8. What do you call cheese that isn't yours ?
Nacho cheese ! HAHAHAHHAHA !!!

9. What do you cal Santa's helpers ?
Subordinate Clauses !

10. What do you call 4 bullfighters in quicksand ?
Quattro sinko !!!

11.What do you get from a pampered cow ?
Spoiled milk ! Ok , so maybe this one wasn't all that funny !

12. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire ?
Frostbite !

13. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches ?
A nervous wreck !!!! Oh , I love that one !!!

14. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup ?
Anyone can roast beef . I don't get it , do you ?

15. Where do you find a dog with no legs ?
Right where you left him !

16. Why do gorillas have big nostrils ?
Duh , because they have BIG fingers !
17. Why don't blind people like to sky dive ?
Because it scares their dogs !

18. What kind of coffee did they serve on the Titanic ?
Sanka !

19. Why did the Pilgrims pants always fall down ?

Because they wore their belt buckle on their hats !


  1. nice blog.

  2. nice collection dear.


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