Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2009 Grammy's

Jamie Fox and Smokey Robins
Stevie Wonder and the Jonas Brothers

Justin Timberlake and the Rev. Al Green

MIA in labor
Kid Rock
Jennifer Hudson
Robert Plant and Alison Kruass

We watched the Grammy's the other night , or rather that parts that MBC 4 deemed suitable for the Middle Eastern audiences to see . I ,being a die hard rock fan didn't get to see enough of rock and roll , since the pop , R&B , and the Rap singers and groups got most of the play time for our audience viewing here , BUT ... the improvisation by the GREAT REV. AL GREEN , and Justin Timberlake in a fantastic duet in the place of Rhianna and her boy friend Chris Brown , who were a no show due to criminal charges being brought against Brown , brought the house down . Our house that is , we were up dancing and singing along with Al and Justin .

I thought I had died and gone to heaven when Robert Plant , who just keeps o
n reinventing his self , along with his new singing partner , blue grass singer Alison Kruass ,sang a song from their new album " Raising Sands " , backed up by their producer T Bone Perkins on guitar , was something quite magical to hear . Plant is like a fine wine that only improves with age .

Kid Rock and Sugarland were eye opening. Their talent shown like bright stars among all the other stars that night on stage . Stars such a Paul McCartney and Jennifer Hudson who sang a song for her mother , brother, and young nephew that were brutally murdered this past fall .Radiohead singing "15 Steps" just WOW'd me into next week ! The Jonas Brothers singing with Stevie Wonder was a blending of the old with the new that made you sit up and pay attention !

Smoky Robinson and the last surviving member of the 4 Tops , along with Jamie Fox and Ne Yo sang a mix of the 4 Tops hits . It was a smorgasbord board of talent and showmanship . Down to singer MIA going on stage to sing with other Rappers and R&B stars, while in labor . There's no business like show business eh ? Below are a few video's of different preformers that were featured at the 51st Grammy's .

Robert Plant and Alison Kruass singing : "Gone , Gone , Gone and Done Moved On "

This heart rendering version of "STAY" by Sugarland will have you crying in 20 seconds or less . What a voice she has !

Radiohead singing "15 Steps" !

Last , but not least with a 10 minute video of " Love and Happiness " , the Reverand Al Green !


  1. That was crazy! I thought she was going to pop on stage.

  2. You want to listen to good modern rock music try listening to Nickelback

    Nickelback - Gotta be somebody official music video



    Their new cd Dark Horse is very good

  3. I do ave some of Nickleback's music , although nothing current . Tanks for the heads up on them !


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