Saturday, February 14, 2009

Moe's 60th

That sweet young thing was Mohamed when he was only just 22 years old . We had been married 8 months when this was taken . He turned 60 yesterday and I can't believe how the years have flown by .

I fixed his favorite meal of ristha umbubbakah with gahdeed . This is a pasta dish made with home made noodles cooked with various different veggies added to the sauce .The meat is dried lambs meat, very similar to jerky , that has been salted as it dried . The man is crazy about the stuff ! I also made him a spinach , mushroom,shrimp salad with Cesar salad dressing to go on top. As odd as this may sound , he is wild about jello too . So instead of a cake I made him a strawberry jello layered with fresh strawberry's and
fresh whipped cream . He was a happy camper !

To make his day complete , our daughters in the States called to wish him happy birthday . He even talked to the babies , lol ! I loved to see the smile on his face when he talked to them , knowing how much that meant to him .Better than anything he could have received as a present.Except maybe that big red bow I had to give him later , lol !

Later as we sat and talked about birthdays past , he asked me could I believe he was 60 now ? I had to say it was pretty hard to believe . I still sit and wonder how did all those years fly by so quickly .


  1. oh happy birthday Mr.Moe
    ينعاد عليك بالصحه و طول العمر ان شاء الله

  2. Tell him that I wish him a happy birthday and a great year!

  3. Moe said why don't you give him a birthday kiss too , lol ! He also said to thank you all for the best wishes !


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