Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Babys

Haroun at 28 months celebrating the Eid.

Gail at 14 months eating mud pies .

Sophia at 9 months making scary faces!

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  1. There are so beautiful Mashallah!

  2. Masha'Allah - they are ALL so beautiful!!! Cuddly babies are the best!!! :o)

  3. السلام عليكم

    الله الله

    احلى شى صور الاطفال المعبرة بطريقتهم الخاصة

    مشاءالله ربى يحفظهم


  4. eid mubarak! lovely babies you have here.
    hugs to everyone of them and one big hug to you. :)

  5. They are way too cute, mashallah.
    Happy Eid to you my dear On the edge.
    Thank u for visiting my blog.

  6. Adorable grandchildren mashallah! Love the different expressions, truly unique.

  7. Eid mubarak, all the babies are beutiful but Haroun is different, he enters the heart without permission I like his beutiful smile Masha Allah, please give him a small kiss in his cheeks.


  8. Thank you all. I,OF COURSE, think they are ALL Mashallah gorgeous !!!Only problem is I haven't held the little girls yet in my arms since they live so far away . And Haroun , I didn't get to see that often. Oh well , can't have it all. I am sure that all grandmothers think the same thing , lol !


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