Saturday, September 19, 2009

Islamic Prayer Service To Be Held On Capital Hill

President Obama sent this greeting to the American Muslims at the beginning of Ramadan .Of course leave it to me to just find it ! Thought you might be interested in what he had to say . Here is a small portion of his speech, for the rest go here.

  I saw on a report concerning an email going around about Islam on Capital Hill in Washington, D.C. and a planed Islamic prayer service to be held Sept. 25 , 2009 .It is true and you can go here to read all about it . I think this is so cool !

President Obama  sends a message to Muslims  as the holy month of Ramadan commences

On behalf of the American people – including Muslim communities in all fifty states – I want to extend best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims believe the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, beginning with a simple word – iqra. It is therefore a time when Muslims reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God.
time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared.  But I also know that Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and perform tarawih prayers at night, reciting and listening to the entire Koran over the course of the month.
These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.
For instance, fasting is a concept shared by many faiths – including my own Christian faith – as a way to bring people closer to God, and to those among us who cannot take their next meal for granted. And the support that Muslims provide to others recalls our responsibility to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.
This summer, people across America have served in their communities – educating children, caring for the sick, and extending a hand to those who have fallen on hard times. Faith-based organizations, including many Islamic organizations, have been at the forefront in participating in this summer of service. And in these challenging times, this is a spirit of responsibility that we must sustain in the months and years to come.


  1. happy eid to you and to all your family

  2. i liked his words...............eid mobarak
    i wish he does what he says


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