Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Childs Dream Come True

Well , it is getting to look a lot like a white Christmas for many . What are the odds for that ? I can imagine all over northern Europe and parts of  the northern US little kids are astounded that their prayers have been answered for a white Christmas .
From a childs point of veiw , this has to be divine intervention , all this snow , but to an adult , I am sure they are thinking it is just a pain in the posterior end . Which ever way you look at it ,it must make many a little child very happy . And isn't that wonderful. Years from now they will be telling their childern all about the white Christmas they had back in 09 . What a fabulous memory to have from childhood . 
Merry Christmas to all ! OTE

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it depends on the looker how good or bad it is, however, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.


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