Thursday, December 24, 2009

Track Santa's Moves on Christmas Eve

Google has published a very helpful blog named "Now, Dasher , Now dancer, Track Santa and his sleigh with NORAD ". It provides different links you can go to on Christmas eve to track Santa's every move . This is a must have if you have small children on Christmas eve.Loads of info. and a brief history of the web sights listed . One good way to get the children into bed early , lol , on Christmas eve .

This is an exert from the blog:
To track Santa, visit starting at 2am ET on Christmas Eve. There, you'll see a Google Map that will display Santa's location over the course of the day. To visualize Santa in Google Earth, just click "Track Santa in Google Earth" and you'll see St. Nick flying through Google Earth in your browser. If you don't have the Earth plug-in, click here — it will be installed automatically when you download Google Earth 5.1.

Merry Christams to all !


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