Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Got The Christmas Blues

There are like 8 more days until Christmas and I am sooo home sick for all the festivities my family in the US are enjoying  .I am  DYING because I keep thinking about all the bargin sales that can be had in every store right now.I want to shop til I drop . I want to by a Christmas tree and decorate it. I want to drink eggnog , and I don't particularly like eggnog , lol .I want to go looking at Christmas lights at night with my kids and grandaughters for their 1st time .I want to go to parties too . And have Christmas dinner with all the trimmings !I want to eat stupid nasty fruit cake that no one ever likes, but eats, because that's what you do at Christmas .I want the whole thing !Oh well , there is always tomorrow Scarlet !

Things that make me think of Christmas.


Merry Christmas !
All paintings seen here may be found at the original paintings for sale / Daily Painters web site .

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