Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Way Up High

When I was a little girl I always dreamed of having a tree house . No one I knew had one but we all wanted one . A couple of lucky kids had play houses that a grandfather or father had built for them to play in , but it isn't the same as a tree house way up high in a tree , private and cozy .Somewhere that is all your own , no adults allowed ! Well , look at these tree houses . Now that's what I'm talking about! Don't you wish one of them belonged to you ?




  1. Salam

    I had one when I was little boy
    It was small not like these 5 starts but it was great hanged over there so hard to reach and fun to stay in… and another one I had that wasn’t in Libya and it was bigger in size fitted for five of us  but it normally wasn’t lasting to mach till we change the idea to something else
    I have seeing the hanged ball in discovery since beyond tomorrow show. It was great and expensive but great  I think its in Sweden

    Do you think its good living in one of these for a life time ?

    Than you

  2. It is funny you should ask about living in a tree house , because every since I saw these pictures , I have been thinking about that . I was wondering if it would be possible and happy to live in a super duper tree house . I think I could . I don't know about Moe though , lol .


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