Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Mini Trip To The USA

I had a ball yesterday !!!! Khadijateri came and got me and we went to the new Ace Hardware store. OMG! I know this sounds odd for a woman to be this EXCITED over a hardware store but it wasn't JUST a HARDWARE STORE . It was a mini trip to America, for me .

I saw things that I had forgotten all about completely. Saw new things that weren't around 20 years ago when we moved back to Libya .We saw NEW and IMPROVED things ,like purple masking tape . Who would have thunk it ??? And CLEAR duct tape??? A plastic / rubber mallet that has sand in the head ? AND over 8 different lawn mowers ! OMG , in Libya! A leaf/ grass blower that has a attached bag that will also suck up the debris , WOW ! Paint brushes you would never find here in Libya until now? A ladder that is almost 3 stories high !Be still my beating heart ! Can use that to finally get to those cob webs way up high in the corners of the ceiling huh ? ! We went down one isle that had cleaning products  that I hadn't seen before . I also saw come products that I hadn't seen since I was a small child . I thought thay had stop manyfacturing them , lol.

We oood and awed over  every single thing , well I did , lol . Khadijateri had a twinkle in her eye too that was full of plans for the future .While we were there we noticed that we were being followed not just by store staff but also by other customers . We realized it was because we KNEW what almost everything was and it's uses, so they were listening to LEARN  their functions .We also ran into one of Khadijsteri's former studernts . It was so lovely to see  how much he held her in hi esteme . It gave him instant status , because he knew her.

All in all , we were in the store for over 2 hours examining everything . I had a ball ! I went home and told Moe we were going on a field trip soon to the store and dream of projects that neither one of us will ever do , but have so much fun all the same . He was all ready to go that instant ! LOL ! The man has a tool fedish and there are tools to drool over ! Tool chests , tool belts that are crying out for a new home with Moe . Oh , he will LOVE this store .

Ok , I know there will be those of you that will be thinking , there are hardware stores already in Libya why not go to them . Well , yes there are . Some very nice ones as a matter of fact .But what makes this one different for me is that I am able to find what I need or want with out all the confusion that I experence in the other stores . It was so fun to see familar things that are not found here in Libya .

So a very big thank you to Khadijateri for a fantastic trip home to America , with out all the hassle of the plane ticket , the airport , and the long , long flight ! The only thing missing on this trip was my family ! And Moe will not need to fill out tons of red tape/ paper for a visia to go on a mini trip to America either . What a fun time we had !Wish you could have been there with us .


  1. Just to let you know that the company is planning to open 10 more store in Libya within the next 10 years and I was following the whole projects as one of the owners is a friend of mine.

  2. It sure was fun! Thanks for coming with me. It wouldn't have been the same with anyone but you to experience it with. I love you dear!

  3. That's so neat! You will definately find uses for all those things. That has been a long time comming.

  4. hey , miss you , glad you had this trip , where is this store?

  5. Quickly, tell me where I can find this place. PLEASE!

  6. lol That was fun. You have me all pumped up at the end of your post. :D It is always wonderful to find a piece of home when you are somewhere else. Whew! I need to wind down now.

  7. Thanks for all the comments ! I and Will try not to write any more post in the wee hours of the mornings again , since obviously I can't spell that early in the mornings , and the spell check refuses to work at 3A.M. , lol. It is probably asleep , like I should have been .

    Mr. Alwan... That is great news to know .. about the other projected stores of the future here in Libya . Good luck with that venture!Tell your friend I think he has a winner on his hands . Just read the comments , lol . Now if you could only get us a WalMart or Target store my life would be almost perfect ! Don't you know anyone that wants to make a fortune? LOL !

    Hey Heba ... I miss you too . Maybe we can get together soon ?

    Anonymous ...and Heba... The store is located on the highway that goes to Leptius , on the right hand side of the highway just after you go through the traffic light at the Beveiw here in Tagura. It is BEFORE the Chicken Hut . As Khadijateri says it has a new grocery store next to it on Ace's right hand side . You can't miss the hardware store as it says in English on the front of the building ... ACE !


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