Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nagaza Restaurant And Hotel

Hey, just wanted to let the people in and around the Tripoli  to Homos area know that the Nagaza Hotel , where many of us like to drive to for cup of coffee or meal, while we sit out on their veranda to enjoy the view looking through the pine trees to the Med. Sea in the distance, is closed for repairs and renovations . How long , I couldn't find out . Thought I would save you the trip if it was on your list of places you were thinking about going to soon .

Moe and I like the drive there and back from Tagura . We love to sit outside and look down on the sea from the hill sides where the hotel sits nesteled amoung pine trees drinking cappuccino's . I especially love it when there is a breeze the whistels through the pine needles . Makes me think of the piney woods of east Texas .

Pine tree image

1 comment:

  1. I hope they build something nice there. I love that place. PS Your blogg is looking good!


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