Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Previews Of Coming Attractions - April !

When I was a little girl , there was a rhyme that said " April showers bring May flowers " .I don't know about the showers part here in Libya . We usually have those in Jan. or Feb. and the flowers come in late Feb. or early March . We didn't get much of  either this year sad to say . April is a great spring  month ! Look and see what's coming in April .

Easter comes in April this year . Sunday the 4th is Easter  . The month of April is host to some other intersting holidays such as : National Autisum Awarness Month , also National Child Abuse Prevention Month .Stress Awarness month is important for many of us since it affects us all one way or another .But April isn't all seriousness . There are plenty of fun days in April , like April Fools Day on April 1st .This day is one joke after another !The 3rd is Find A Rainbow Day , I guess you could do that while watching all those April showers the rhyme talks about, huh ? April 5th is a big day for men that think they NEVER need to ask directions when on a road trip and LOST . It is Road Map Day . The day I am looking forward to is April 7th , No Housework Day . Yeah !!! See ladies , it is official , you don't have to clean house on the 7th ! If you feel superstitious , I wouldn't plan a ocean cruise on April 14th . That day is Titanic Day, after the day the ship Titanic struck the fatal ice berg that caused it to sink .That day is a definite no no for a cruise ! Another day of gloom is Tax Day on the 15th . Just skip that day altoghether ok ? The next day should be much better , that's Eggs Benedict Day , yummy ! On the 19th you could laugh yourself silly . It is Humorous Day .The following day is Cookoo Day . Not too sure if they mean crazy or the bird , hum , what do you think ? Earth Day on the 22nd  is pretty important all over the world . And where would we be today with out Zipper Day on the 29th? Arbor Day is celebrated in the US usually on the last Friday of April , which this year will fall on the 30th . Most country's all around the world have a Arbor Day where they celebrate by planting trees and / or plants . This ties in to Earth Day and is so very important for the Earth's health . So go out and plant something living on the 30th and watch a life grow .You have all sorts of days to look forward to this coming month , mark them on your calander . Go have some fun !

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