Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Turkey Day !

This is sooooo true , especially this year , at least for Mohamed and I . We survived a war, terror and fears we never had before the war, managing to come out the other side all in one piece .Thanks to God's many blessings .We have been so blessed with great family , friends , and wonderful neighbors that have helped us countless times this past year .Truly I am not sure what we would have done with out them all .

So , I wish to say that I hope all of you will take a moment today to count your many blessings and give thanks . You will be surprised at how many you have once you start the counting. Happy Thanksgiving to all from Mohamed and OTE .

1 comment:

  1. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and Moe! Enjoy the day and the Turkey! I just love Turkey! What are you planning on cooking for thanksgiving dinner?

    Alhamdulilah, we all have many things to be thankful for this year.


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