Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Libyan Government Posts And Libyan Womens Rights

Well , Libya is moving toward the long road of recovery. It may take a while but it looks like Libya just might make it.Below at the bottom of the page is a list of new ministers in the new  NTC Prime Minister Abdulraheem El Keeb's transitional executive board .

The women in Libya are also getting their voices herd as well .They are voicing their concerns for their future rights in the new Libya , along with their hopes and fears.Read this article , it is quite informative as to what Libyan women themselves are thinking .It covers all topics including their views on Shari'a law , polygamy , a larger and more active role in politics ,and foreign intervention on their behalf .The new NTC ministers have three posts held by women now. There are many assistant minister posts and assistant-assistant minister posts now being held by women in this new government. I take it as a positive sign that women are being given a more active seat in the government and not just merely as a show piece or window dressing.

New NTC Minister Posts :
Official List for Prime Minister Abduraheem El-Keib’s Transitional Executive Board

Prime Minister: Abduraheem El-Keib
Deputy Prime Minister: Mustafa AbuShagur
Minister of Religious Affairs: Hamza AbuFaris
Minister of Justice: Khalifa Ashour
Minister of Telecome: Anwar Fituri
Minister of Labor: Mustafa Rujbani
Minister of Health: Dr. Fatima Hamroush
Minister of Interior:  Fawzi Abdela’ali
Minister of Energy: Awad Beroin
Minister of Trade and Commerce: Sharkasi
Minister of Education, Sulaiman Sayeh
Minister of Foreign Affiars: Ashour Ben Khayil *
Minister of Defense: Col. Osama Juwaili
Minister of Planning: Isa Tuwaijri
Minister of Social Affairs: Mabrouka Jibril
Minister of Oil: Ben Yizza
Minister of Finance: Hasan Zaglam
Minister of Agriculture: Abdul-Hamid Sulaiman BuFruja
Minister of Industry: Mahmoud Fetais
Minister of Scientific Research and Higher Education: Dr. Naeem Gheriany**
Minister of Investment: Ahmed Attiga
Minister of Culture and Civil Society: Abdul Rahman Habil
Minister of Electricity: Awadh Barasi
Minister of the Martyrs: Ashraf bin Ismail
Minister of Local Government: Mohammad Hadi Hashemi Harari
Minister of Housing: Ibrahim Alsagoatri
Minister of Transportation: Yousef Wahashi
Minister of Youth: Fathi Terbil
Minister of Construction: Ibrahim Eskutri
*earlier  reported as Ibrahim Debbashi
** earlier report as Fathi Ragab Akkari
  • رئيس الوزراء: د. عبدالرحيم الكيب.
  • نائب رئيس الوزراء: د. مصطفى أبوشاقور.
  • نائب رئيس الوزراء: عمر عبدالله عبدالكريم.
  • وزير الخارجية: عاشور بن خيال.
  • وزير الداخلية: فوزي عبدالعالي.
  • وزير الدفاع: العقيد أسامة الجويلي.
  • وزير المالية: حسن زقلام.
  • وزير البحث العلمي والتعليم العالي: د. نعيم الغرياني.
  • وزير الإقتصاد: الطاهر شركس.
  • وزير العمل والتأهيل: مصطفى الرجباني.
  • وزير الصحة: د. فاطمة الحمروش.
  • وزير الصناعة: محمد محمود الفطيسي.
  • وزير الثقافة والمجتمع المدني: عبدالرحمن هبيل.
  • وزير الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية: حمزة أبوفارس.
  • وزير التعليم: د. سليمان الساحلي.
  • وزارة العدل: علي حميدة عاشور.
  • وزارة الحكم المحلي: محمد الهادي الهاشمي الحراري.
  • وزارة الإسكان والمرافق: إبراهيم السقوطري.
  • وزارة المواصلات: يوسف الوحيشي.
  • وزير الشباب والرياضة: فتحي تربل.
  • وزارة الشؤون الإجتماعية: مبروكة الشريف جبريل.
  • وزارة التخطيط: عيسى التويجري.
  • وزارة الزراعة: سليمان عبد الحميد بوفروجة.
  • وزارة الكهرباء: د. عوض البرعصي.
  • وزارة الإتصالات: د. أنور الفيتوري

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