Today ushered in the Beginning of the building of The Wall on our property . This is a very big step toward building The House .I have nagged for several years to get this far and I am so excited that it has finally happened !!!!!
It started out I nagged Moe . No Joy ! Then I nagged my son . Still no joy .What to do? A couple of weeks ago when I was out taking pictures of wild flowers I thought I would just drop in and visit The Land , you know to see what's new and say hello.I found that the Aunts surrounding land had all sold and been built up for starters .That was a shock .I am so out of touch with Family news I didn't know that had happened ,but the good thing was I could see clearly for the fist time how large The Land is and where the boundary's are located .
I went home and told Moe all about the new developments on The Land .He got all excited too ! So the next day we went together to visit The Land .We were talking about what we wanted to do in the future , what we dreamed of building .The new neighbor from across the way came out to say howdy .Well .... one thing lead to another and bim bam boom , Bob's your Uncle ! We are building a wall !
Today we went to see The Wall grow . That meant the men folks had an excuse for a conference .Next thing you know several curious neighbors come on over to see what we were doing .That lead to more conferring , kicking the ground , spitting and scratching places I won't mention here .Several times hands waved around in circles rather excitedly . I wondered what was being discussed but it was a closed conference
and I stayed my distance for once .In the end everyone looked happy and pleased with themselves . The dust had settled and the building of The Wall started again to my relief .
My son and daughter in law came to visit later in the day . I nudge a visit to The Land so my daughter in law could see it for her first time . Her eyes lit up and shone like I haven't seen before after she took a tour around the four corners of the property.She felt she had introduced herself to The Land and I think it was love at first sight !This land that has been in Moe's family for over one hundred years continuously will once again have It's Family living back on it soon , Inshallah !
Moe talks about how he and his siblings would go visit their grandmother in her old house on this land when they were little .The games they would play on the farm .The size of the pomegranates that she had grown , how the juice would run red all down their chins as they ate the succulent ruby fruit . She would laugh with them and tell them not to worry , she would clean them all up before they went home to momma .Moe says she would whisper ghost stories to them in lantern light until they were scared senseless and beg her to stop .The nights they spent with her held secretly hiden stashes of candy as special treats for the child that was cleaver enough to find their hiding places .He has so many special memories of her on The Land .Now I can't wait to start to make mine with my grandson on The Land too .