Saturday, October 4, 2008

What's Your Fantasy?

What is your very own fantasy ? I don't mean THAT kind of fantasy , but what you dream about doing or living if there wasn't any obstacles in the way such as lack of money or time . Would it be travel ? Maybe you would be some one famous ? Or what about rich ? Would you be a saint ? Prehappes you would be a famous inventor that invented something to help mankind ? How would you live ? Where ? Would you be a duck ? I have know a couple of people that wanted at one time or another to be a duck , so don't laugh !

I used to dream that Moe and I would live in Venice in a restored palace along the Grand Canal . We would go to the opera , the art gallerias , the theater , stroll along the Piazza San Marco pretending to be tourist feeding the pigeons . We would dine al fresco when it was warm enough , eating fantastically prepared gastronomical delights that Venice is famous for under the open sky . There would always be music in the background like a Hollywood movie sound track somehow , lol . We would of course go to the Venice Film Festival and see all the movies stars there for awards . 090.Venice,carnival,venice,carnival,Italy. I would wear those dresses that you used to see the actresses of old movies wear , with my hair ALWAYS perfectly styled ! When winter comes we would definitely go to the Carnival in handmade costumes that would look like something from a European court of the 1700's wearing masks that would take your breath away from the shear beauty of them . Hey , it's my fantasy ! What is yours ?


Mariouma said...

beautiful dream :)
may it come true!

I would like to travel all around the world with a very special person.

a_akak said...

Apart from .....


I think it would be to Travel the world with no thoughts or worry about money, time or commitments and just enjoy each country and each culture

Fe Aman allah

ibeebarbie said...

Oooooooooooh that's a good one. I could actually allow myself to drift through this and imagine the very scene you portrayed. Nice! You've given me freedom to let my mind daydream----thank you. I shall begin imagining and hopefully come up with something.

Serena said...

I've been doing research on numerology and according to my numbers my deep-seated dream is to become an entrepreneur. It goes on to say that I dream of success in the business and political world. Me??? Thought you could use a good laugh. I am still laughing...

Anonymous said...

My fantasy is to marry you, after Meo **** up the ghost

Rose Bud said...

The same here. Travel with no worries or nothing to return to. (of course I would have my family with me.)

Anonymous said...

ليبيا ضحية عملية نصب عالمية

الطاقة النووية السلمية أصبح موضوع قديم عفى عليه الزمن ومحفوف بالمخاطرومعظم الدول المتقدمة بدأت تستعمل بدائل أخرى سلمية للطاقة أقل تكلفة وأقل خطرا وتحقق نفس النتائج.
الطاقة النووية وحتى السلمية منها لها مخاطرعلى المدى القصيروالطويل منها أنه لايوجد حل معقول للتخلص من النفايات النووية .. اذا تخلصنا منها فى البحر أو فى أعماق التربة فهى ستسمم المحاصيل والاسماك .. واذا حدث لاقدر الله زلازال وانفجرت المحطة فهذا انفجار نووى كامل .. أما اذا أخطأ عامل فالخطورة قائمة وهناك حادثة "ثرى ميل ايلاند" بالولايات المتحدة و" تشرنوبل " فى أوكرانيا بسبب التقصير البشرى.. هذا بالاضافة الى ارتفاع نسبة الاصابة بسرطان الدم للبشر المقيم قرب المحطات النووية " طبقا للتقارير البريطانية والألمانية".
ارجو من كل من يقراء هذا ان يزور ( مقالات النووى .. كمان وكمان !!- كارت أحمر - كارت أخضر ) فى هذا الرابط: