Dear on the edge
I see the funny side, but have thought of the consequences of such a shot. every one could recognize the poor husband in such harsh society. shameful. please withdraw the picture before it goes around via mobiles.
Also would like to remind you of the (covering for your sister Muslim) The TASATTUR.
Good afternoon.
I am very pleased to be here today to congratulate you all on your selection for the first ever Space Camp Exchange Program with Libyan youth. As the first American Ambassador to Libya in 36 years, I have repeatedly said how the Embassy of the United States of America in Libya has embarked on a series of “firsts.” This time, you all are embarking on a first – the first Libyan young scientists at Space Camp.
As you have probably done your homework, you already know that Space Camp was founded in 1982 to promote the study of math, science, and technology. The school couples classroom instruction and hands-on activities that teach teamwork, decision-making, and leadership. At the Academy, students learn about the mental, emotional, and physical demands astronauts must face. Among their experiences, they will explore an Apollo 16 capsule and a Saturn V rocket, and experience the sensation of weightlessness. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton is a Space Camp alumna, from the Class of 1993. Chelsea and other young leaders participated in the prestigious Space Camp program and benefited from the scientific and educational exposure.
This Space Camp program is being conducted under the U.S.-Libya Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement. In recognition of your hard work and the history you are all making, Libyan Ambassador Aujali and Alabama state officials will be attending your graduation at the end of your program.
This is the friend who can’t go half a day without sharing What’s On His Mind. Honestly people. We really don’t need to know that you’ve just had your second shower of the day. For that matter, we didn’t need to hear about the first one either.
This is the friend who does nothing but share links all day. Links to articles he’s read that he thinks the whole world should be reading, links to movie reviews, links to new games coming on the market, links to his Twitter page where he’s gone and posted 10 more links. There needs to be a limit. Some links are good, especially when they send people to this blog. But let’s impose a 2-link-max rule per day, what do you say?
This is the friend who has joined more groups than Marcia Brady did that one year in high school when she was overcommitted and frazzled. Asian Americans in Israel who Support Diplomacy with Iran? Really?
This is the friend who only uses Facebook to post photos of the little ones, or updates that read: “Tommy didn’t feel well today, so he stayed home from school.” Might as well not even have your own profile, just create one for the kid(s), no?
This is the Ex who only friends you so s/he can spy on you and make sure you have fewer friends that s/he does, and that your new significant other is less attractive than s/he was.
This is the person who friends someone with the great hope of becoming friends with that person in real life, be it a minor celeb, or just someone the Wanna-Be really admires from a slight distance.
This is the friend who accepts your friend request just to be polite, but then Hides your updates immediately. Unfortunately, you have no idea who the two-facers are.
This is the friend whose main purpose on Facebook is to build a list he can tap when he needs to for work/career. You know these friends because they only message you with e-mails that read “So you still over at Viacom?”
No need to explain this one, right?
This is the hardcore friend who has nothing better to do but subscribe and follow you via SMS.
This is the friend who posts status updates that are purposely vague, and therefore beg for a comment. Their status is all about getting you to respond, getting attention, getting sympathy. “Lori is scared, but hopes everything works out…” [*sent to me by my friend Dawn, who is definitely an M... see below]
Just stop. Okay? Let me figure out who I want to be friends with, okay? Honestly.
This is the friend who mercifully doesn’t fit in any of the above categories and is, hopefully, just one of many normal, average facebookers you’ve friended. Let’s hear it for the Good Friend!
{Honorable mention: The Foodie — this is the friend who’s always posting updates with photos of plates of food}
{Favorite quote overheard when a friend of a Friend got a new Friend on FB — “Ah man, I’m now friends with my dad… Jesus.”}
Mind slave | Free thinker |
0 | (You) | 100 |
If you were in The Matrix, you would have taken the red pill, completed the combat training, and started fighting (and beating) agents from day one.
Your architects: You have cast off reality distortions taught to you by your parents, schooling, corporate advertising and government propaganda. You create your own beliefs based on what serves you best, without much regard for what the rest of the crowd is doing. You are guided by your own internal code of ethics (which may or may not agree with politically-correct ethical codes) rather than any pre-set system of ethics (such as from any one religion).